Our subscription plans include a certain amount of ad-hoc credits in the price, depending on the number of locations included in the plan.
If you use the credits you have included, extra credits can be purchased to run additional reports outside of your subscription reporting allowance.
You can also buy Citation Builder credits. These are great if you wish to run multiple campaigns, as they allow you to get them at a discounted price compared to paying for campaigns as you go.
Bundled allowances
Each subscription plan includes an allocated number of reporting allowances that don’t require credits. These allowances are scheduled reports and don’t roll over to the next month if unused.
For more information on your bundled allowances, see this FAQ: What is included in my subscription plan?
Recurring add-on credits are available if you run out of your bundled allowances. These are great for extra ad-hoc report runs or creating reports for prospective clients, saving the need to use a new location scheduled allowance. To learn more about the type of add-ons available and how to purchase them, take a look at our FAQ. Which add-ons are available on my plan?
What types of credits are there?
We have ad-hoc report credits, which allow a single report to run from any tool report.
Citation Builder differs from the subscription-based toolset as Citation Builder is a separate, standalone service that works on a pay-as-you-go basis and does not require a subscription.
You can pay for each campaign separately via credit card or Paypal, and this costs $3.20 per manual submission/update.
We also offer the option to purchase Citation Builder credits in bulk to save money. Each credit can be used for one listing submission/update. Citation Builder credits cost just $2 per credit, with a minimum purchase of 500 credits—that’s a savings of 37%!
Read more about Citation Builder pricing here.
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