Yes, but only account owners can assign SMS credits to different Locations. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to learn how.
1. In Reputation Manager Overview, click on ‘Plans & Credits’.
2. On the next page, click ‘Assign SMS Credits’ and a dropdown section will appear listing all of the Locations to which you can assign SMS credits. To see more Locations click on the page buttons indicated in the red box below.
3. Turn on the ‘Enable credit limits’ toggle and start assigning your credits by clicking the + and - buttons next to each Location. Or simply type the number of credits you’d like to sign a Location into the box.
4. As you assign each Location credits, you’ll see the number of credits in the ‘Available Credits’ column go up. You’ll also see the number of unassigned credits change.
5. Once you’re happy with your assigned credits, click ‘Save & Close’.
6. To see how many credits a Locatin has used overall and in the last 30 days, check the relevant columns in the table.
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