To identify citations, we use Google and employ two main search methods:
- Business Name + Zipcode/Postcode: An exact search using these details.
- Phone Number + City: Another exact search with this information.
Additionally, we perform a native search on our "Top Directories."
Our software analyzes the search engine results pages (SERPs) and extracts citation data from the sites that appear. This data is then tracked in your report.
If a citation hasn't been indexed by Google or doesn’t appear in the SERPs from the searches mentioned, we won’t be able to capture that citation’s data.
Given the vast number of potential citation sites (over 100,000 in our records), manually extracting data from each site is impractical. We focus on analyzing SERPs and tracking citations based on those results.
In the future, we plan to provide additional insights into how each citation was identified, whether by address, phone number, or both, to offer better clarity on citation quality before you click through.
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