Granting us access to update your Google Business Profile (GBP)
Simply follow these steps to grant us access:
1. Log in to your Google Business Profile to manage it.
2. Once logged in, click on the business listing you want to give us access to. You will be redirected to what looks like a Google search page that displays your business. It will look like this:
3. Click on three dots next to the “Profile Strength” as per the screenshot below.
4. A list with various options will appear. Select “Business Profile Settings”.
5. A new pop-up will appear. Select “People and Access”.
6. This section will display the list of people who have access to this listing at the moment. To add a new person, simply click the “Add” button on the left.
Note: Only GBP owners can add and remove users, so if you do not see the “Add” symbol, that means you only have Manager’s access, and you need to ask the listing’s owner to share the access.
7. This will display another popup where you need to add the email address of the person you are sharing the access with and choose what type of access you would like them to have.
8. Enter the email address:, then choose 'Manager' as the role and click the 'Invite' button.
We will then receive an invite from you to manage your listing. Once we start working on your campaign, we will accept the invite, and you will receive a notification email that confirms this.
Note: as per Google's Guidelines, new managers of the listing may need to wait seven days before they can manage all the features. Therefore, do not worry if we don’t update your listing right away.
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